Kidding Around

May 16, 2010

Yesterday we headed to Clare’s Well, a spiritual farm and popular place of respite founded and cared for by the Franciscan Sisters of Little Falls.

Spending some time with Sister Carol and Sister Jan it is easy for one to notice and be in awe of their strength, generosity, and kindness.  They couldn’t let us leave without giving us gifts of fresh eggs and herbs from their garden.

Meanwhile, yesterday it was all about sharing some love with their new kids-two sets of twins, one set less than 24 hours old.

Adam took some great photos of the feathered friends at Clare’s Well too.  Here is a pea hen that insisted on flying over Adam’s head.

I love this chicken’s markings.  It was so fun to see chickens in every corner doing what chickens do best, scratching, fluffing their wings, and looking for tasty bugs in the barn and in the tall grass.  Happy birds give healthy eggs to us, that is something I am positive of.

Twas a grand day at the farm just “kidding” around.  🙂 As you can see, Violet thinks Mom’s humor is lacking…