Musical Monday-Sad Songs

September 20, 2010

Tragedy has hit at Digital Art House, as a pack of coyotes killed eight of our nine free ranging hens.

So, on this gray misty morning I’m feeling a bit low.

I truly never thought I’d ever feel this way about a chicken. A chicken!

I know, I know, I used to think they were the silliest, most stupid, most ridiculous creatures. I mean, something that runs around after its head is cut off?

A punchline to the joke-“Why did the chicken cross the road?”

Living with hens, made me realize they are really smart, complex creatures. Hens are funny and personable. You can’t help smiling when you spend time just watching them “be chickens.”

I had no idea….

So, yeah, I might cry over my lost flock today and listen to some sad songs.

Here are seven musicians in my collection with soundtracks for blue days.

Sufjan Stevens
Jeff Buckley
Bon Iver
Joni Mitchell’s albumsĀ Both Sides Now & Blue in particular.
Beth Orton
The Temper Trap
Elliot Smith

And if you truly want to wallow in self pity, you can always listen to Chris Isaak.